(cancelled) New gig, 30-8-2024

Edit: We cannot perform Friday 30-8 due to medical issues with one of us. Chasing Mavericks and Black Monsoon will perform without us. Check their website and the website of Willemeen for more information.


 Non-Alignment Pact, Chasing Mavericks and Black Monsoon will perform in Willemeen, Arnhem. 


- open: 20:00

- Non-Alignment Pact: 20:30

- Chasing Mavericks: 21:35

- Black Monsoon: 22:40


tickets: click here

- pre-sale: 8,-

- sale: 10,-

We're back again!

The 5th of may we’ll be present at the “Back on track bevrijdingsfestival” in Mill. It's the first show after corona, so we're eager to play!


We'll be playing at 21:00, but make sure to listen to the other bands too.


The first band starts at 16:00.



Affection in new perspective

End of the year, new single and video: "Affection in new perspective"!


Enjoy !!

New single and video

At last, exiting news at the end of the pandemic: our new single and video Retreatreleased the 2nd of June.


And already the first week in the Indie Chart of IndieXL at number 7. Watch the video or listen to it on Spotify, Deezer, Apple Music etc.  Enjoy!!

Video release "Changing Places"

And here's the video! Click it, watch it, share it! In that order.


Want to see more video's? Click here for all our clips and a selection of live video's.

single "Changing Places" released!

It's time! "Changing Places" is there to be heard on every streaming platform. The video accompanying the single will be released next Saturday. Until then, have fun listening to Changing Places.



Apple Music

new single "Changing Places" to be released 21 May

It's been a while since the latest update. We've been busy writing and recording new material and it's about time to release the first single since Secrets. Visitors of our shows may recognise the song "Changing Places", which will be released 21 May this year. 

Later this year you can expect more singles, video's and an EP. Check out our Facebook page for the latest updates. But for now: here's the artwork for the new single.

"Secrets" is doing well

After a month and a half "Secrets" proves to be a succes for us.  The video has already more than a thousand views and more importantly, the single became the Indie Disk at IndieXL and a few weeks later number 1 in the Indie Chart. Meanwhile, the short "Secrets"-tour proved to be fine one. 


At the moment we will concentrate on new material for new singles and an album, but we will gig in between. Check our tour schedule or or facebook page regularly to stay up to date.

New single and video "Secrets" is out!

As of 11th of March, our new single, Secrets is out! Watch the video below or on youtube or listen on Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer and all other big and small streaming services or buy it at iTunes. 

Special thanks to Martijn Ficke at Martijn Fincke Fotografie for making the video, and Thale Weisz for the dancing on the video, Freek Philipi, Cosmic Music and Post, Tjaco van Cromvoirt and Janneke Willems-Fressmann. We love you, guys!


And now: enjoy the music and the video and we love to see you at one of our shows. 


Shop's open!

Our Store is up and running! Would you like a real CD instead of purely one's and zero's? You can order the CD in the Store. Before we forget, we have old school buttons for sale!

Do you like streaming or a legal download? You van find the links to the various download sites in the Store.

Announcement: Non-Alignment Pact will perform with new drummer

Those who kept an eye on our facebook page know that our drummer Tjaco van Cromvoirt left our band and luckily we found a new drummer to replace him: Denise Siroen. Tjaco, a lot of thanks for all your contributions and camaraderie, and the best of luck in the future. Denise, welcome!

As of now we're writing new material. We will do some try outs until Christmas, after which we will intensify our tour schedule. Check our facebook site and this site for updates.